Liz Love World
Meet Liz Love

Welcome to Liz Love World, where the magic of storytelling and the power of poetry come together in a soulful celebration of connection.
My journey with words began long ago, under the wise guidance of two beautiful grandmothers who were masterful storytellers. From their lips flowed tales of wonder and wisdom, planting the seeds of imagination and creativity deep within my soul.
As a little girl, barely six years old, I found joy in the simple act of creation. With a crayon in hand, I would pour my heart out onto a sheet of paper, scribbling my very first three-line poem. Little did I know, this innocent act would set me on a profound journey of self-discovery and expression.
Fast forward to eighth grade, a time of butterflies and secret crushes. It was then that I penned my first poem to that special someone, allowing my emotions to flow freely through the ink of my pen. In that moment, I realized the transformative power of words to convey feelings that transcended ordinary conversation.
High school became my sanctuary. A place where I delved deep into the magic of poetry, weaving words together to create something beautiful and meaningful. Since then, I've been on a mission to capture the essence of life, love, and everything in between through the art of writing.
As an adult, I've found solace and purpose in sharing my poetry with others; offering them a glimpse into my heart and hoping to uplift or relate to them in their moments of need. Each word, each verse, is a piece of my soul laid bare on the page. A testament to the power of connection through poetry.
So, come on in, Take a leisurely stroll through the pages of my website and let the rhythm of spoken word poetry envelop you in a warm embrace. Welcome to Liz Love World. A place where every word is infused with peace, love, laughter, and a touch of hippie charm.
Together, let's embark on a journey of inspiration, reflection, and celebration.