May you find comfort in the knowledge that you are exactly where you need to be. You are not failing, and you’re not lost. Your current stop, though it may feel permanent, is merely a rest area on the road to where you're meant to be. Believe in the gentle truth that you are perfectly whole as you are. You are not unloved, not disliked; far from rejected or forgotten. You are not a burden to this world, nor are you incapable of navigating its waters.
You are beautifully human, a soul adorned with emotions, capable of both triumph and defeat. You are in a constant state of evolution, learning, growing, and finding your rhythm in the ebb and flow of existence. You need moments of rest, heaping measures of grace, and genuine connections to light your way.
Remember, my darlings, you are walking this path alongside the ancestors. You are never alone in this universe. The one’s that were always with you, are always with you. We are with you. As night falls, may heaven’s mercy hold you, offering you safe space. Feel my love cascading around you, nurturing your spirit and washing away the remnants of doubt. I wish for you the bravery to rise again tomorrow, and the strength to embrace the essence of you, with the confidence your father gave you. May your childlike joy be your companion, leaving peace to nestle deeply within your soul.
Above all, when these dark, quiet moments whisper questions and No’s in your ear; let the echo of your heart answer with an undeniable “YES”. Yes, you are destined not only to make it but to flourish beyond your wildest dreams. You will discover your freedom, claim your light, and dance in the radiance of your own being.
You can rest your understanding on that.
Love, Liz
(Your Mama)